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9/20/2018 7:01:09 AM

Unpopular Opinion 5: Screwing a trap is not gay

Alright let's hope this isn't my last post for a month. But here's my stance on traps: If you're attracted to a trap because of their feminine form it's not gay cause it's basically the same as liking a girl because of her feminine form, aka, one of the biggest reasons straight guys like girls. Now, if ur one of those nibbas who says "hurr durr the dick makes it cuter" YOU ARE -blam!-ING GAY. So basically here's the Rule of thumb for traps: Put it in the butt/mouth=not gay Take it in the butt/mouth=GAY Let's hope mods don't go too hard on me (no homo and no pun intended) Also, saying traps are gay shows that you don't find the feminine figure attractive so that means that you are the true homosexual.

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