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Изменено (Gypsy): 10/29/2018 4:07:08 AM

Family Friendly clan is recruiting!

We are a brand new clan on xbox looking for others to join us! There are plenty of kiddos who share their parents love of Destiny. My child has been watching me play for 2 1/2 years. Now it's his turn to join in on the fun. There aren't too many clans out there that are for our youngest of guardians, so I created one for my little guardian to enjoy the perks of being in a clan. Requirements as of now are your child must be 12 and under. Parents are welcome to join with their child too! There aren't too many rules yet as we are new. But I ask ALL guardians who apply and join to be respectful and have fun! Any questions, please feel free to send me a message!

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