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11/10/2018 5:01:59 PM

Looking for big established clan for friendly casual players and parents.

Hi. Im like 45 years old, parent and I play Destiny on PC, sometimes all nights sometimes once a week. I just started out in Destiny, Im a Diablo fan from the beginning. I want to olay with nice kind people, laidback and with humor. Since I paly after kids bedtime I cannot always use voice chat. Apart from gaming I like mountain biking and producing electronic music. I am looking for a big clan with a lot of friendly people. Big because I dont want people to depend on that I participate in all events and such but still be able to meet people when logged in. Please recommend me a clan! Thank you.

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  • Hi, Fell Clans are always looking for new members! We are cross platform clans hoping to help out fellow lovers of destiny. We are willing to teach, learn, help, have fun and do whatever else you are looking to do with the clan. We ask that you respect clan mates and be friendly. We also understand that people have lives and cannot sink all their time into the game, and want to see the community flourish into a helpful environment working towards common goals. We take people of all platforms and time zones looking for a team to play with. Our third clan, Fell Knights is a much more competitive PVP focused environment, and competitive nature. At the moment we are asking for a 1.2 KDA. To apply message Jidoja#4520 on discord, or DM him here or message me. Our discord is at And our 2 public clans: Hope to see you in game!

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