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Изменено (VietFreedom): 12/22/2018 2:04:31 AM

Please Allow Me To Dismantle my Old Gear to reobtain my Flawless Shaders PLEASE

So i played back in year 1 Destiny 2 and went flawless to get the shader Honors of the Nine. I used it all on my gear back then and quit until Forsaken. I would really appreciate it if you guys would allow us to reclaim Honors of the Nine shaders or w/e other shaders that were year 1 thats no longer unobtainable. Please i really loved that Shader, it was the only one that made your gear mostly white and the game doesn't recognize that i ever owned it since i didn't have it during the collection game into the game. it's such a simple to code into the game that it shouldn't be taking any effort to make such small changes. I can't reobtain this shader because you guys no longer do Trials of the Nine and it really just sucks and bums me out big time.

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