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12/26/2018 1:29:03 AM

Redrix Broadsword Quest Bug

Not sure if I'm the only one, but if the "reset rank 5 times in 1 season" quest step for Redrix Broadsword is in fact retroactive like I thought it was, it will not complete for me. I double checked in case I miscounted or something but I have the specific triumph for resetting 5 times in season 4, I've reset my game several times, reset my PS4, updated everything, and there's nothing. I'm getting pretty frustrated because I put in the time to do the questline and to be stuck here on the last step is infuriating after having to finish the quest in this season due to the timegated bounty step. Hopefully someone sees this and they can work on a fix so I know my time wasn't wasted.

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