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Изменено (ImSweetE): 1/10/2019 1:31:16 AM

Character Boost Issues

I switched platforms when the Forsaken content was released, and since I'd finished the stories for Osiris and Warmind, I didn't mind not seeing them happen again with my new guardian on my PC. However, now I find myself attempting to complete the heroic adventure quest on Mercury this week, and am unable to run the heroic adventure because It hasn't been unlocked. I read through the help post about the boosts, but it didn't specify one way or another on quests like this. It simply says "some." If this is the case, this creates a big problem for me when I'm trying to finish bounties and challenges and the 'target planet' is Mercury or, I'd guess, Mars. I assumed that once I'd bypassed the stories, I'd have them register as completed in my system in triumphs and otherwise, that it wouldn't be an issue to do regular missions. Has anyone else had this problem? I understand not being able to do a playthrough with another fireteam member, but this seems a bigger issue than that.

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