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1/24/2019 5:11:43 AM


Please get off your 10 tick servers Bungie. Please Create dedicated servers so that I'm not playing against guardians in the USA from AUSTRALIA!!! Luna's howl isn't viable because I have to fire it as slow as ace to take advantage of the 3 tap. I cant compete against Not Forgotten when you match me against players that have it because of that reason. My crucible experience is being ruined and so are other people's in the same lobby as me because you would rather spend money on emotes and cosmetics than player experience. Also..... You put me in competitive matches against people over 15,000 KM and when I disconnect because you don't match people in the same region, I lose comp points. I shouldn't lose a match because you matched me against Americans and if I do disconnect I should be allowed to rejoin. I shouldn't have to take a loss and disadvantage my team just because you guys can't create a matchmaking system that matches people against other people in their country/region.

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