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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/8/2019 6:05:49 PM

Ornaments, transmat effects and shaders

It would be nice if.. ORNAMENTS Ornaments from vanguard, crucible, factions and raids could be applied to any Y2 and beyond ARMOR(exotics excluded). It would not have an impact on game play. By this point most everyone has the same armor with the same rolls. I don’t go into to crucible and go, “no way I just died... that guy had scatterhorn armor equipped. I should only die to people with wing contender”. I along with many others on this forum prefer the look of some y1 armor over y2. I am sure the BDRs would say, “You can look cool at the price of losing perks, that’s your choice bro. Get over it. And besides, I don’t want them wasting time on reskins bro”. I would analyze and translate a reply such as that, but then they would probably cry for a nerf to the forums or something TRANSMATS and SHADERS Could you please make them work like ghost projections. This would clear up a lot of inventory space. They never needed to be consumable. I am sure your team of engineers could figure out an efficient way deal with the shaders as I it could be burdensome looking through all 155plus shaders each time. That is a lot of vault space. And as for those who say, “you can just delete them!” My response would be, “wouldn’t it be nice to not have to delete shaders and have your postmaster be unnecessarily filled up.”

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