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Destiny 2

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Изменено (ill skillz): 2/27/2019 1:49:48 PM

FIX warlock jump (PVP) & BUFF warlock PVP exotics

Buff the warlock jump. It shouldn’t feel like you slow down when jumping. Add a floating jump option also so there is a choice. Now exotics. Yeah the steps are ok. Aspects - really left behind now there is dexterity and reload speed on legendaries N-sins - probably the best option but relies heavily on void weapons. Buff the exotics for the warlock!!!

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  • Изменено (Midnight): 2/27/2019 7:30:11 AM
    The only part about the jump that needs to be sped up is the floating like a balloon without any movement while already in the air. I would really like to see alot more variety in warlocks choices on what exotic to use. Leave these exotics alone: *Nezarek- is fine *Transversive - are fine *Geomag - fine *Phoenix protocol - Fine *Lunafaction - fine. *Ophidians - fine (but a slight melee speed increase would be welcomed) *Skull of Dire - fine Crown of tempests- I'm not a fan of them, but they're fine BUT everything else is disappointing especially if they're called exotics and hardly anyone uses them if they are even touched at all so: *Winters guile - I really like them but needs additional time for the perk to stay on, then, they'd be fine *Claws of Ahamkara- needs damage bump to even be worth trying *Sunbracers- Needs more time to throw the 5 grenades. Melee time reduced as well. *Eye of another world- pretty neat just needs to speed up abilities recharge a bit more *Contraverse hold- meh, add additional defense or rework it *Starfire protocol- what's the point of it.. seriously. Reworks needed heavily, not even an exotic worth looking at right now. *Wings of Sacred Dawn - allow for additional Icarus dash on top tree Dawnblade, give a single Icarus dash to bottom tree dawnblade *Vesper of Radius - huh? Seriously?! Either greatly increase class ability recharge time OR add way more damage and AOE OR damage anything that steps into the rift in addition to what it does *Sanguine Alchemy- once players step in rift, give them the ability to step out and continue to have the ability for 5 seconds and reperks if you step back in rift. Speed up rift recharge *Chromatic fire - just ok, add reload speed to perks *Karnstein armlets- just give melee speed a bump up and they'll be good to go *Aeon Soul- something idk what, needs to be bumped up, fixed, idk just something needs to be done with all the Aeons because they could be fun *The stag - uhh *crickets* idk about this at all, maybe... Add a revenge perk towards the person/enemy who killed you last, maybe see them through walls or something..I see people use them and rifts are never used by teammates so what's the point *Apotheosis veil- not entirely sure what but Reworks needed *Verity's brow - I wanna like them needs something as well

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