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впервые опубликовано в: Enhancement cores are going to hurt new light players.
Изменено (The Hermit IX): 6/24/2019 3:12:42 AM
That’s exactly what they are. Fusion rifle kills, solar kills, precision kills at flash point. Do you actually play the game? At this point your argument is absurd. These are things you do in any activity in the game. Kill things. They aren’t many kills either. I know I play a lot more than you do but come on. Picking up bounties that are simple kill tally while you play couldn’t be any easier. Like I said I achieved 9 in 30 minutes doing basic strikes for powerful gear. I also got mods and typical stuff. It takes 17 cores to infuse a load out. That’s weapons, armor and an exotic weapon and armor piece. If you did the 30 minutes you’d have gear and the cores to infuse and mid components to buy mods. You’re being silly at this point.

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