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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/24/2019 9:14:33 PM

Lumina and catalyst

Lumina is going to be launched with catalyst? Since September 2018 we are waiting for the catalysts of exotic weapons, this dlc only brings us to launch 1 catalyst after so long. Exotics should be launched with their catalyst, keep more content I think it is shameless, we have seen how you have worked with the designs of the weapons of destiny 1 to add them to destiny 2 and make us pay for it. They say that Bungie is doing well, I see that they do not work on weapons models, bringing weapons of destiny 1 or destiny and 2 with random perk, the players are not stupid, you do not give content worked and you give it to us little by little artificially lengthening a Content that is already recycled enough.

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