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Изменено (Orcinus Orca): 7/3/2019 5:23:36 PM

The only true God and religion is...

Nature. Of course you're free to believe whatever your puny hoomin mind wants to believe, but... [spoiler][i][u][b]I[/b] think[/u][/i] you should follow the rules of nature and only nature. If you desperately feel the need to follow a higher being or entity, to bow down before one and dedicate your life to one, choose nature. With nature you even know it exists. You can see it, hear it, use it, sense it, learn it, feel it working inside your body and mind. God is nature, it's not a person. You can't pray to it and there are no written nonsense rules like "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife" or that pork is forbidden to eat. Make love with whomever you want to reproduce, or just for fun, and eat whatever you want to survive, or just because you like the taste. Do you know why most believers of the non-nature religions constantly break their religion's rules? Because it's in their nature. Many of those rules are not in harmony and conformity with nature. Many of those rules demand abnormal behavior.[/spoiler]

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