The good: Returned to the game a few weeks ago after burning out after launch. Amazed at how much there is to do, tearing through the content and having fun. All good stuff.
The problem: I did some stuff for the robot on the barge. I opened up all these chests and got lots of imperials. No idea what these things are for, but great, I'll take them. Then I do a few more things and find a gold statue that wants, among other things I have a lot of (I hit the game hard originally) imperials - ah, this is what they're for, feeding the golden fat man to make holographic statues!
Then later I look at this chalice thing and see it can be upgraded to help gain decent gear, oh and to do this I just need a load of... imperials. F**k.
So off to google to see what I've done and how best to go about this now... only to be met with the news that most people have cheesed the thing I threw all my coinage at all the way up as far as it goes, and for having sh** mine away I've locked myself out of doing that and also left myself with a useless chalice that's going to take a lot of effort just to get to somewhere even half-arsed...
It's fine for those who have been playing along as the updates came out, but for someone like myself, it was too easy to break the game with self-imposed gimping.
Request: maybe Bungie can let people know they should spend their initial wad of imperials somewhere other than on the ugly fat dude and his space statues, 'cause right now it's kinda making me feel pretty meh on the game as a whole.
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