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Изменено (Shreddie Mercury): 7/17/2019 1:16:57 PM

Tribute hall intro quest broken can’t complete it!!!

i went and opened the chest next to werner with my level 20 warlocks and realized he didnt have the level to enter tribute hall (idk why but he didnt have access to) lazy as i am, i tried to delete him to just restart the quest on my level 50 hunter and after: surprise! no chest, no quest, no bounties available, need quest progress to buy tributes and no way to get the quest back. not in postmaster, not at any npc’s “abandoned quests” and nothing changed at daily or weekly reset. plz bungie fix it or if anyone has any ideas, plz. i really want to work on those triumphs and also not miss out on the 3 exotic weapons triumph before it ends :/ also i paid for that content and because its bugged like that i can’t even access it... i just want to enter the tribute hall but now i can’t and it sucks..... i can’t even get the bad juju and its catalyst, nor the bounties.. help needed asap im on ps4 btw

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