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10/2/2019 6:54:23 PM

Don't post useless replys on forum threads

Seriously, if someone posts a thread asking for help, and states their issue, don't reply if your reply is to basically say "I am having the same issue" as it just clogs the thread and makes it difficult to read through and find all the REAL responses that contain possible solutions to the problem. The forum guidelines even ask you not to, so please don't do it. In the same sense, don't reply saying you're having a similar but different issue, the thread is NOT YOURS so go MAKE your OWN because you're just being interruptive, disruptive and annoying, plus, because it's not your thread, you are most likely not going to get your answer I don't mean to be rude, but I've been seeing this everywhere. Nobody cares if your "having the same issue" or "I'm having this problem but also this one." We don't want distractions, we want answers.

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