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Изменено (Crazylime): 10/5/2019 8:16:27 AM

Need help

I recently just downloaded the game since it was free with no DLC. I only played about 54 minutes worth of time and got the ban message in-game. I don't really have anything of worth on my avatar, thank god, since I just recently started. I decided to go on the as it told me to do and I didn't receive a message as to why I got banned, but rather a list of possible ban theories that would have lead to my upbringing. I can say for sure I did have some 3rd part software on, but it was not directed at Destiny intentionally for the purpose of changing something in-game or other "banned" ideals like hacking. For instance, I had Players Unknown Battleground and BDO in the background. However, I have had cases in the past where I had Black Desert Online open and was playing Kenshi, but got kicked out of BDO but [b]did not[/b] "get banned." Rather, the BDO software just shut down because it probably detected a threat. Could this be the possible cause of the ban? If this is the reason behind the ban, then all I have to say is Destiny really has to work on its system when banning the "innocent vs. guilty" as stated from all the other individuals who received the wrongful ban. [b]Maybe set-up a system for Destiny where if it detects a third-party software it will kick them out of the game rather than wrongfully banning them.[/b] If you are running a business like this, for sure you will lose more customers then you gain them in the long run even when it is stated in the very very very very very long Code of Conduct. I am sure that comments like this isn't going to budge you too, because you can care less. Just like the rest of the money hungry mongrels. Have at least some compassion and dignity. To end this message, I am sure I will receive a stupid bot telling me "Oh, we detected a cheating software on this specific day at this time. Then afterwards have a couple players say, 'All you can do is get a refund'." This inhumane treatment makes me loathe the AI system for banning, and this truly needs to be reprogrammed instead of giving the same speech, "Its the best AI in the world for banning players."

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