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10/9/2019 12:36:31 AM

Black armory rare bounty

I've been doing black armor bounties every day since the release of izanagi's burden trying to get the rare bounty for it but I haven't gotten one yet is there any way you can help me? I'm tired of doing the forges but I have to to try and get the bounty. The more I grind and don't get it the more holes in the wall are going to appear. After a couple of months of doing the bounties I think I should have all the black armor exotics but I don't have any of the exotic weapons. The only good you've done is make it easier to get jotunn in le monarch. But just give me izanagi's burden I'm tired of black armory and the time grinding I've wasted for nothing because I have nothing to prove for it. And to even get on a raid team you need the stupid sniper and I don't have it because the f'in bounty won't drop for me after many months and sleepless nights. So fix it. I've wasted thousands of dollars in the game so the least you can do is make the bounty sold by ada or alot easier to get. So please just end my suffering.

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