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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/12/2019 11:24:45 PM

Open To Helping Any New Guardians on PS4

Hi if you've clicked into this its probably out of curiosity so let me explain myself. I have been an active player in Destiny 2 since launch and also played my fair share of Destiny 1, through my time playing I have experienced all the game has to offer both solo and with friends. However at this time with the release of new light and the free to play elements I would like to give back to a game that has brought me so much happiness and joy through the years, I know with the new free to play model several people will be looking to get into the world of Destiny and I would like to help them. Anyone who is interested we would fireteam up and begin their adventure, I will help you gain an understanding of the game and if you enjoy the company maybe extend that to playing regularly and even joining up in a clan together. If you have any questions or are interested please let me know and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Hope to see some new faces out in the stars. AstrobatDevine

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