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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/29/2019 7:11:13 PM

Exotic Infusion

So why the heck do I need an Upgrade Module to infuse my Exotic pieces into legendaries? I understand two same armor pieces with different levels can infuse for just glimmer, but I don't recall Exotics costing more than just glimmer when infusing into legendaries. Do I have short-term memory loss that's caused me to forget or was this an unneeded change that came with Shadowkeep like they upped Bright Dust purchase costs this Season and removed all the usual, easy abilities of obtaining Bright Dust through Eververse and those Bounties? (and btw I know Weekly Crucible, Gambit and Vanguard bounties give 200BD per bounty and the "extra" bounties get you 10BD per. But that is BEYOND lackluster when you've seen the Golden years of Destiny before some practices became...scummy for lack of better word)

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