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Изменено (Turbothomato): 11/6/2019 9:01:04 AM

Gift Izanagi's Burden, we have waited enough

Since launch of "new light" the quest for obtaining Izanagi's Burden is bugged. After more than a month you come with a "fix" that bugs it even more(???). Since the issue seems so difficult to resolve, just autocomplete the steps or modify them from scratch, it is useless and inefficient to make us wait undefined amount of time to get it and to create more workload on your bugfixing team. JUST AUTOCOMPLETE THE STEPS LIKE YOU DID FOR THE BUGGED QUEST OF IRON BANNER. UPDATE: Guys, this is not about "having the gun handed" this is about finding an easy reliable solution to a bug that is obviously hard to fix. UPDATE: looks like Bungie took the issue seriously and all will be fixed the 7th November, let's hope they don't bug it even further :)

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