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Изменено (Venom): 11/5/2019 11:14:31 PM

Looking for pvp focused clan (PC)


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  • Hello! Global Guardian Regiment is an XBOX international clan that welcomes all from around the world. Our main time zone currently EST/GMT/PST but are very open to play with you where ever you reside. The clan is focusing on the recruitment of EXPERIENCED players and helping anyone out who needs it whether that be getting you through the events, raids(daily), nightfalls, gambit, menageries, competitive PVP or simply getting your milestones done. You must play at least once every 10 days or you will be removed for inactivity. If you plan on going on a hiatus, please let an admin or founder know. Also, if you are an experienced player that’s up for helping with PVP content with us send me a DM for the perks of becoming an admin. If you're 18+ and up for growing with the clan, reviving downed guardians and destroying enemies, click that join button! P.S this is a LGBTQ friendly clan, all are welcome. We also chat on discord to communicate all things destiny related. We hope to see you with us HeelsNHalligans xoxo <3

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