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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/15/2019 3:30:49 AM

[PC] pvp matchmaking a joke?

I'm just woundering how the matchmaking in Destiny 2 pvp works. I know its P2P matchmaking. But does the matchmaking have a region lock? I live in Norway and end up getting matched up with players that live in Asia and Arabia, this can't be the thought behind the matchmaking? I realy enjoy the pvp during the daytime, but when night time comes the matchmaking is useless. All it does is ruin the fun i have in the game because of the players i play versus lags and rubberbands because of the high MS/Ping. Bungie please fix your matchmaking. It would be better to wait longer / don't play a pvp match rather then to be matched with players that live in Asia / Arabia. Kind of sucks to lose a ranked pvp match because of the high MS/Ping between me and the enemy players.

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