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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (guy143): 3/11/2020 2:35:43 AM


So yesterday, I was super excited for the new season and content. I was ready to grind for the seal/title and have some fun in the new pve activity. Then I got punched in the dick. I looked at the new activity: throw balls at a thing. New lost sectors: strike in a nutshell. Rasputin is relevant again: but is he. Cabal are doing a thing in space that can easily be stopped by a nuke or some shit: let's build some bunkers for some reason. I was ready to buy the season pass for all the cool loot, and then I looked at the season pass. I played less than an hour, and all I did was a game of crucible. No point in doing anything because of retirement. Also: wtf did bungie do to emblems? Some people actually grinded for those stats. But hey, at least I can track the number of heroic public events I did. So anyway, I probably won't be doing much this season. Also, if anyone is looking for recommendations, rainbow six is a fun game to try. Number one reason it's better: no hunters with ST0MP-EE5 and mindbenders. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Good luck finding something fun to do. Eyes up, guardian, and actually look at the shit they gave us to do for three months.
#destiny2 #sotw

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