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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/11/2020 6:01:10 AM

Why Self-Damage Handheld Supernova Doesn't Work

The nerf for Handheld Supernova was a long time coming, but the Self-Damage is just ridiculous. For a while now there's been a glitch with the ability where the projectiles can register behind the player and detonate on their back, basically wasting the grenade. But now you kill yourself too. I thought the bug had been fixed, but it seems I was wrong. You can see how this would be a problem. Self-Damage hasn't really impacted the way I play in the Crucible, because I would always trade with a shotgun user anyways, now I'm just trading with suicide. However, the [b]Attunement of Fission[/b] "was" my favorite subclass in PvE; it was just [i]fun[/i]. But now, I have to avoid using my grenade entirely because a thrall or dreg that isn't even in my peripheral will cause my death. The opposite was actually my attraction to this subclass to begin with. In end-game PvE activities, it is crucial [u]NOT[/u] to kill yourself, so Handheld Supernova was my go-to option for Crowd Control. For us Warlocks, our grenades are our life, (because our melees are dumpster trash) and this change, among others [i]that I can live with[/i], have made the game un-fun for me. [spoiler]P.S. Whoever removed the ability for Warlocks to "Sword Glide"... I hate you. You killed the one thing that brought me happiness in Raids and Escalation Protocol/Altar of Sorrows.[/spoiler]

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