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4/15/2020 4:43:43 PM

Major latency issue, only on Destiny

So, Last night i played pvp for the sake of the IB quests... i totally regret it the worst thing is and idk why, but my latency is especially bad in D2 (as an example in League i have constant 17-20ms ) in D2 i have over 200ms, i have a 1gb bandwidth with a wired connection (average download speed on steam is 80-100 mbp/s depending on how many devices are connected), please help me, i searched all the articles and topics, but nothing helped... what am i not seeing? (also, i live in Romania, and yes, this is the only game i have latency problems with) Please help me Bungie!

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  • If you are looking at the latency of the TCP connections in resource monitor... that is not your gameplay latency. Those connections back to Bungie in the Seattle area are for things like account data, stats, inventory, etc. Gameplay goes over UDP and will not show up there. Would have to track down those latency figures a different way... will be links to cloud servicing and player direct connections via UDP protocol. If you are not saavy with the networking tools to dig for the relevant addresses and test them yourself, may need to get your ISP on board to monitor your packet flow while playing so they can isolate where the bad jitter/losses are occurring and act accordingly to address the issues. Ultimately, they will likely need to be involved to resolve things anyway, as it may well be a problem with one or more of their peering partners.

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