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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (crxs_roads): 4/22/2020 4:42:35 PM

Little bit of Strike Specific Loot Feedback

Hey, Bungie, a suggestion for strike specific loot (this may have been suggested already): Consider tying SSL to downing the Wanted mini boss. Because the Wanted bosses are already tied to a timer, maybe downing that boss could increase or guarantee a drop of the SSL at the end of a clear. If random rolls are added to the static rolls of some of the weapons, and/or an added class specific armor piece is added (themed after the Wanted boss, as opposed to the final boss), I think ppl would be more engaged with strikes. With some of those additions, I think you could even allow SSL to drop from regular strike playlists, and then maybe make (new?) curated rolls for weapons only drop from ordeals. Higher level ordeal cleared, higher chance at a curated roll. And maybe those curated rolls are more akin to ritual/pinnacle weapons, giving players the options between a couple perks, like point of the stag, exit strat, etc. (Edit: preciate the addition of Warmind mods to EP armor. May play around with this builds today.)

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