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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/25/2020 12:55:13 AM

To all my fellow Hunter mains

I look in the forums and see all my fellow Hunter mains crying their butts off. We make up about 50% of the community, stop crying and put on your big boy pants. Its a game and they need to make adjustments to the point system to make it fair. Imagine how it would be if there was no contest, everyone would be saying it's not fun. Play the game, turn in medals, finish triumphs and try to get the LMG. it really doesn't matter if we win or not. It's literally just for fun. BUNGIE STATED ITS FOR BRAGGING RIGHTS! Stop complaining, its a fun contest for kicks. Who cares who wins? Get your act together, turn in medals and maybe we would be able to pull this back.

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