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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/25/2020 2:21:16 AM

Why hide triumphs?!, FOMO and LFG

If I really knew what the final triumph for the Almighty seal is holding for me I wouldn't even think about doing every single one of the other triumphs. God! it's a [u]soulless activity[/u] that I will never ever try sweat for, and try gather 8 other players forever, no no no no NO! ( seriously, can we have a solution for public events like these? Or [i]iS tHIs hOw tHe gAmE's SuPpOsEd tO bE[/i] ) I literally play this game just because the FOMO. Also about Trials.. I would like to play it solo with randoms or I wouldn't touch it. I'm TIRED of having to go and LFG for activities in this game! Like make me go and look for groups till I reach a certain requirement then [b]JUST MATCHMAKE ME WITH OTHERS[/b] that also reached the same requirement!

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