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4/12/2020 10:24:05 PM

Xbox One X power off from overheating 3 times in Calus shadow realm

Ran Leviathan today for the first time in ages... years maybe. Got to Calus, teleported to shadow realm, made callouts, shortly after that my xbox powered off. Turned it back on and it said it was protecting itself from overheating. Rejoined my friends and tried again. Again, shadow realm, xbox powered off. Waited 15 minutes before turning Xbox back on. When turned on, it said it had powered off to protect from overheating. Rejoined friends, went into shadow realm, xbox powered off again. We quit. Clearly it's not going to work. I have logged thousands of hours in Destiny. This is the only time this has ever happened to me. What do I do about it?

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  • Ran Leviathan again today, this time with a supplemental cooling fan plugged into the back. [url=]This is the fan on Amazon[/url] My xbox overheated in the void realm / shadow realm again. First time, I went into shadow realm, and lasted long enough to do my callout from the symbol on his forehead. Then powered off. Then after rebooting, I changed assignments to stay in the throne room. At one point we were wiping, I died, but one guy was still in the shadow realm. I changed my camera over to watch him in there and my xbox overheated and powered off again. Same thing also happened to a teammate, but not only did he power off in the void realm, he also overheated and powered off while doing the final run at gauntlet. I guess I can try cracking the case open and seeing if there's any dust inside? Or, has anyone used a supplemental cooling fan that actually worked?

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