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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Shadow_of_Merica): 6/23/2020 3:21:16 AM

MCXIV, Forthcoming. (Not Actual Lore)

MCXIV, Forthcoming. Recorded by Scribe Shagac Thus did the Shadow of Earth slay the killers of Master Rahool, Cryptarch of The Tower. The jubilant Emperor Calus called upon his great Shadow of Earth to meet upon the Leviathan. As the Shadow of Earth and the Emperor Calus walked the great halls of the Leviathan, the glorious Emperor Calus noticed a sadness on the Shadow of Earth's face, one of which he had not seen before. "My Champion, what troubles you?" The gracious Emperor Calus asked, stopping their stroll through the golden halls. The Shadow of Earth revealed he had grown tired with his armour and weaponry, and that he was dissatisfied with the abilities of such wares. So the magnificent Emperor Calus employed the Shadow of Earth to reveal the name of this faulty gifter of armaments. And the Shadow of Earth replied "Rahool." At the spoken word, Emperor Calus demanded an entire fleet of his finest Centurions to hunt down Master Rahool and make definite the fact that Master Rahool, The worthless Cryptarch, would never disappoint the Shadow of Earth again. It was not long before news reached the joyous Emperor's ears of Master Rahool's death. The Emperor Calus immediately called upon his Shadow of Earth and prepared a great feast in the honor of the great Centurion guard that slew the festering Awoken known as Master Rahool.+ But as the banquet began and continued on for hours, the Shadow of Earth did not arrive. The Emperor excused himself from the joyous festivities to seclude himself to his quarters. As the opulent Emperor Calus looked out upon the great blackness of the void, his door opened. And in walked the Shadow of Earth, carrying the head of the commanding Centurion. And the jovial Emperor laughed at the Shadows indecisivity and threw yet another banquet in honor of the Shadow's slaughter of the Centurions. And the Shadow was unhappy no more. +The scribe employed at this future date shall please verify that the same Master Rahool is alive and responsible for the Shadows disheartenment. Delete this footnote upon actualization of this history.

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