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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/29/2020 8:00:55 PM

I know how to beat the darkness (not really)

[b]Ok guys so this is obviously a dumb plan that would never work or happen so yeah :)[/b] We could just go up to the Leviathan and be like “GLORIOUS EMPEROR CALUS COULD YOU PLEASE PROVIDE US WITH ONE PHALANX PLEASE”! And Calus would be like “LOOK AT ME IM FAT GROW FAT FROM EATING NOTHING BUT PIE LIKE IVE BEEN DOING,” and then he would give us the phalanx. We would then bring the phalanx to a shard of the traveler and juice him up with light (even though the plan could work without giving him light it’s just so that success is guaranteed). After that, we would bring the phalanx within range of the Almighty and he would smack it so fast and hard that it would decimate the entire pyramid fleet in less than a split second. Obviously he would have to be smacking the Almighty in the direction of the pyramids for this to work. [spoiler]But yeah I’ve basically solved everything :)[/spoiler] [spoiler]Or we could get Shûb to punch it.[/spoiler]

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