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6/1/2020 8:37:04 PM

Question about the Code of Conduct and Banning Policy

Just for clarification: I am a GameDev student of the UAS Technikum Wien in Vienna, Austria. And I was hit by the initial Trials Ban Wave on March the 13th. I tried to appeal my case, but it is 'not eligible for an appeal. No further information will be provided.' I wish to play once again with some friends & I understand that this means that my account is now dead. This is a real shame for me, but I have to accept it as it seems that there is no room for any conversation. That is not why I write this post! As I said, I wish to play once more - even if it means starting from scratch. And that brings me to my Questions: 1. Is there a software I can run on my PC to find out if I have any Programms installed that would trigger the Anti-cheat? Because if I start with a new account I don't want to get that one banned right away - or even get a Device Ban. I had to install many development tools during my study, but they didn't seem to make any problems before as I never got any Restriction before the Ban. 2. Does the creation of a new account fall into point 13 in the Code of Conduct, 'Evasion of bans, suspensions, or our language filter.'? And if so - what can I do? Any official answer would be highly appreciated. I hope this post doesn't come over as offensive - I am just a little bit desperate as Destiny is one of my favorite games to play.

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