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Изменено (Alpha Bulldog): 6/10/2020 9:42:07 PM

GUARDIANS IN THE SON, a Christian clan, is looking for new members!

We're a clan of mostly believers who love to talk about Jesus, because we love Him and the people He has created. As a group, we love all parts of the game, and we're mostly Xbox with a handful of PC players. We accept adults and kids. Our youngest are teens, and our oldest are in their 50s and 60s, with a lot in between. While we accept anyone who sticks to our guidelines of keeping things clean and participating with the clan, Christian or non-Christian, we are largely a biblically conservative group who loves fun and fellowship. The clan was started for my amazing teenage daughter who passed away last year at 14 years old from brain cancer, and my goal is to continue offering such a place for other believers or people looking for a clean clan. It's another way I keep her with me. :) If you have any questions, you can message me. My GT is Alpha Bulldog, or you can message me through the clan. Blessings, Benny

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