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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/15/2020 4:52:59 PM

Bought the expansions but Im everything is already

Sorry if the title was off, and sorry again if this has already been asked, I couldn't find the answers anywhere. So I recently picked up the Destiny 2 DLC dual pack that came with Forsaken and Shadowkeep. I had beaten the vanilla game a long while back and just hadnt had the time or money for expansions. Was choked when I heard that Cayde-6 died and was looking forward to avenging him when I returned. Fast forward to today, I buy the packs now that I have time, I gunning to revenge, and now I sent to IO being told Im about to jump on a giant pyramid ship to fight the ACTUAL Darkness!! Unsure if I was missing something, I scoured the net and found nothing, so I explored and tried to play through the game to figure out whats happening. Currently I’m of the mind that instead of paying for DLC expansion for the Destiny 2 universe, I just paid for some pricy access to guns and raids. I apologize if Im a bit salty, but I love story progression in games and was looking forward to avenging Cayde, especially when the official description of the expansions declares that that is exactly what you are gonna do. I feel cheated, a little robbed, and a little salty when I read others describing a paid expansion to be more like a free seasonal event. So can someone PLEASE tell me Im just a big dummy who hasnt figured this out yet! What am I missing? What did I actually pay for?

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