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Изменено (Mordred): 6/21/2020 2:01:34 AM

Combined accounts in the past, has anyone ran into issues with this?

Hello! So I've purchased Destiny 2 previously on, for personal reasons I moved all games and account information into another account. I'm aware Destiny 2 isn't on the listed games that can be transferred but I'm curious as to what could be done with the email and older account I had used. So how this is affecting me now... I've decided to get back into Destiny 2 with the hype of all recent announcements but I'm obviously looking to salvage my account if I can. The catch is, I can't link my steam account with my new account (it does not recognize an account on it), and I cannot link with my older account because it has been deactivated. here is a link to the support page regarding accounts being combined. I've reached out to Bungie support with a ticket explaining my situation. Has anyone ran into this situation before, if so is there any hope I can get my account back?

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