"People think that the law of the jungle is just selfish brutality. People haven't read the poem." - Pahanin
"You've heard every last tale of the wolf by now. None of them are true. You are the wolf." - Crest of Alpha Lupi flavor text.
"If human extinction seems imminent, try to relax. You're just giving cephalopods a shot." - Pahanin
The Meatball that tricked, and tried to eat Uldren looks like an Cephalopos.
"On the cusp between life and light, between death and destruction." - Heart of Inmost Light flavor text
This one seems to suggest DARK is life and death (Mortal Life), and LIGHT is Destruction (IMMORTALITY). Immortality is something any self-aware mortal being would wish/think about in their existence.
"We are not your friend, we are not your enemy. We, are your salvation."