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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/24/2020 6:25:10 AM

I maxed out my season pass for the first time

I thought to myself. I give up on this game too easily. Maybe it's not as bad as what I think. So I committed myself to maxing out my season pass for the first time since they were introduced. My experience is as follows: I almost broke my monitor with my fist. Crucible is so rage inducing. Strikes are boring. Gambit was the only semi balanced piece of content but even then it's still not enough. It's obvious you won't adjust the sandbox to what ppl want, so I suggest a game mode based off of what players already do in private matches. Load out restrictions. 'Duel' would be the working name. Load out restrictions enabled. Hand cannons & sniper/shotgun only. It works lore wise. The most heavily lore enravled weapon type are hand cannons. Ex; Last word, Thorn, Malfeasance, Not forgotten, Ace of Spades... It would entice ppl to use hand cannons without buffing them as you so desperately don't want to do. Seems like a good compromise that will probably get overlooked.

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