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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (TheCanadianDr): 7/26/2020 6:16:07 PM

Destiny 2 has the worst Menu Management out of any game I've played

They don't even let you fix it yourself. This problem may be specific to console but I'm not sure. The amount of button inputs to navigate to core places is astronomical compared to other games. This is not just because they have too many options or because of their wonky 2-step menus, but they put less important menus before ones that are used frequently. Here are some numbers based on navigation from the tower. Collect a Triumph - Min 3 inputs vs Start a Crucible Game - 6 Inputs View Roster - 4 Inputs Pull from collections- Min 4 Inputs Collect bounty - 4 Inputs I realize that this is a small issue compared to sunsetting armor or CBMM but it's just one more layer of infuriating mechanics that should only take a day to make meaningfully better. Just let us reorganize our menus. You don't have to reimagine some super effective menu system, just give players the option to make it a little better. Please.

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