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9/4/2020 2:28:15 AM

Wayfarer... Can I still finish this?

Hello Bungie. I have a question. I have currently been working on the Wayfarer title and I have almost completed it. But my problem is this... I have been careful and made sure I got all of the content needed that I knew was associated with destinations that were going into the DCV. Because I might be losing my internet for awhile thanks to life circumstances. Will I not be able to earn this title if the only things I have left in it are things that are on destinations that are NOT going into the DCV? That was the assumption I was under... That as long as I completed the triumphs involved with destinations that are being vaulted I could come back and finish the rest later. I'm just curious because it's basically the only title I can earn on my own as a 95% solo player. I'm actually close to Unbroken. But I still have two seasons of hitting Legend to earn that title and I literally can't do that on my own. Any information on this would be great. Thanks and God Bless. Rigel

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