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9/4/2020 4:13:42 AM

My description (I guess)

(Stache man) real name unknown What he looks like no one knows He usually wears a led mask with a low quality mustache taped on or a mustache in the led (if you need reference just look at glitch from rogue company) Usually has a tux or a trench coat (Weapons) stache shaped throwing knives A staff with electric tips Or a silenced fal (Alignment) while his true faction is undecided he shows support for bernthrall (Transportation) a cyber motorcycle that deploys from his watch it of course has stache rims (Age) unknown (Male) (Birthplace) unknown [spoiler]i want to start doing rp but I don’t rlly know how so if anyone has tips lemme know for now I guess I’ll do a story for him I kinda left it awhile back[/spoiler][spoiler]twirls stache [/spoiler]

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