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Изменено (Xerxes): 9/13/2020 1:08:59 PM

Triumph "Amidst the Wreckage" not redeeming (Zero Hour)

To prepare for BL and the content vaulting I browsed through all triumphs on Braytech and found that the "Amidst the Wreckage" triumph somehow was not completed (this triumph requires you "earn the ship" from Zero Hour). Back during season 6 I acquired the ship during the frist week it was available but never knew there was a triumph tied to it until today. The linked reddit post from a year ago highlights that the bug was present close to its release. According to (linked) the triumph currently has a 0% earn rate. If it wasn't for content vaulting it wouldn't matter much, but since Zero Hour is going away would it be possible to have a look at this? >Reddit-post: > Edit: Changed title.

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