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Изменено (cinqueMento): 4/7/2020 8:20:12 PM

RP the Auction CLOSED

I have recently acquired several blood ice gems. They appear as small blue to red topaz. Their properties include lightsaber conduction, soul trapping and extremely high power often used for ammunition. They are uncut, and if the price is high enough I will cut them to whatever shape you desire. Don't try to steal them. You'll only regret it. [spoiler]If enough people want to steal them I may rp the 2 I won't sell. [/spoiler] And that's a rap. Thank you all for participating, I hope to do this every two weeks or so after my journeys. I'll be auctioning exotic items, and a few of you know my favorite items which will help for next time. If you bought a crystal, PM me for any questions. Cya around

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