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11/13/2020 11:37:13 AM

Bug Report - Public Events - Cosmodrome

There is a bug that is not counting public events upon completion. Here is what I’m experiencing. I join a public event anywhere in the Cosmodrome. It says on my screen “Joined Public Event” I scan the warsat and start killing enemies. But for some reason it seems if you get just a few feet away from the warsat the game will act as if you’re not in the public event but if you go back to the warsat it will say “Joined Public Event” even though you should have already been in it. On my latest public event I killed the ogre which was a few meters away from the warsat. It made that sound it makes when a public event is completed but no message popped up on screen and no progress was made towards my bounty that asks to complete 2 public events. This is happening on PS4.

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