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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (TheBudgieKing): 11/19/2020 5:17:04 AM

Extreme spoilers about an imposter....

This is a spoiler for the lore book called the lament, you have been warned.... [spoiler]WELLP, looks like banshee 44 may or may not be the most horrifying, yet helpful person in the world of destiny... He is been confirmed to Be Clovis bray.... Well, Clovis 43 before being reset and asking for his nickname being his new one... So... does that mean banshee is Ana’s and elsies grandfather? That’s kinda weird... Kinda weird that I uphavw been getting my guns and stuff from my characters creator... ...[/spoiler] [spoiler]and also the long slow whisper may of been revealed in the same lore book.... it’s just “deactivate artificial intelligence”...[/spoiler]

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