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11/26/2020 12:39:32 AM

Crucible bugs - Shaxx callouts, matches, rounds, etc. being scored incorrectly

I checked the Bungie known issues logs, and didn't see anything about the following issues. I noticed that Crucible matches spanning all game modes are being announced, tallied, etc. incorrectly, but notably in Survival and Elimination. I've had games wherein: 1. Both teams knock each other out simultaneously for a tie, yet the point goes to the enemy 2. Shaxx calls last life when you have multiple remaining 3. Shaxx calls last enemy standing when there's more than one 4. Rounds goes to enemy even though everyone on my team just respawned, and the enemy has zero lives with only one man left up Those are the ones that immediately come to mind, but it's making the Survival playlist rather bad at the moment. Please investigate, Bungie.

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