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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Heelcat): 11/28/2020 12:30:27 AM

Do people even get banned or warned for extremely offensive language and slurs?

edit: thanks for all the nice comments and advice! I really appreciate it :D Since I've been playing Destiny, I have met a bunch of amazing people and friends in the team chat. Not many people use it, but sometimes u might encounter a nice teammate and u guys chat a bit after a match of gambit or something. But I've been seeing a lot of people who use the team chat and type [b]extremely offensive and harmful slurs.[/b] I'm not talking about someone getting tilted in a survival match. I'm talking things like the n word. This isn't any SJW special snowflake getting offended type of thing. There should at least be SOME moderation in the team chat. Or after I report someone and they get banned/warned I want feedback. I don't know if Steam or Bungie take care of this, I am just genuinely curious if this is even a thing.

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