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12/7/2020 11:19:41 PM

Stat trackers not updating since I activated crossplay

Hi, I recently activated crossplay so that I can play both on my PS4 and stadia. I don't really know if this issue started when I did this but I noticed that some of my crucible stat trackers are not updating for me anymore, no matter which platform I am playing on. On the triumph page, I can see that I have 294 annihilation medals, but the tracker is stuck on 241, for example. The seasonal crucible trackers are still working however. The issue seems to affect all of the medal trackers, but I am not sure if it is affecting any other trackers. Now, this could be connected to the release of Beyond Light as I got Stadia a week or so after, but I felt it was important to mention. Is this a known issue or is there a way to solve this on my end?

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