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12/10/2020 2:54:33 PM

[PS4/PS5] OBELISK PRIME: (RECRUITING) Ladies & Gentlemen ages 30+. Raids - Nightfalls - End Game - Active Discord. Chill vibes. (INTERNATIONAL) (MATUREish)

Looking for Guardians 30+ y.o. who enjoy end-game activities. We are a clan of casual gamers but we come together and we get it done. Obelisk Prime is extremely inclusive. Sexism, racism, homophobia or any other forms of bigotry ARE NOT TOLERATED. Granted we’re all pretty toxic but we’re super chill about it. If this sounds like a squad you would be interested in joining UPVOTE THIS POST and respond directly to this message. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR AGE WHEN SUBMITTING REQUEST.

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