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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/11/2020 9:48:48 AM


Allow previous faction(crucible, vanguard, iron banner, etc.) armors to be used in current armors as ornaments


Or don’t


I feel that the players that have been here since day one should be rewarded with their past Triumphs being able to be shown. You wonderful people at Bungie studios have already included a bunch of ornaments for armor pieces and such, but why not go the extra step and just allow us to use the armor from the past seasons as as ornaments as well. I’m not saying that you should allow all ornaments to be able to used everywhere, but I do think that the crucible armor should have the option to use the style of the armor from, let’s say season 2. The only way to do that would be to reacquire old sunset gear that wouldn’t be able to be used practically in endgame content. Basically what I’m saying is that it would allow for a much more varied armor customization for all the guardians out there who like kick ass and look good while doing it. For example, all the past iron banner gear sets have looked fantastic, and mixing those with the more modern sets could get some awesome new styles amongst the different factions of guardians. I included a poll to gauge how other guardians feel about this as well

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