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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/14/2020 9:23:48 AM

Bring the Moonglow exotic ornament back... (please)

With the return of the best hand cannons in Destiny, we need its best ornament. The Moonglow is an ornament for Hawkmoon that looks great. I'm sure others would agree that Moonglow was one of the best and most simple ornaments in Destiny. Who doesn't want that ornament? Its got a black base and gold feathers. Ill never how it would light up when the perk triggers. With the minuscule chance that Bungie might see this post, I pray, and I hope you do too. Ps. I'm just trying to give this post traction so that Bungie just might, maybe, sorta, kinda add the ornament to Destiny 2.

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